Report on returning from stay in Paris

April.2000-May.2001 Stay at "Cité Internationale des Arts" Paris
April-Sep.-9.2000 Local newspaper manuscript
Stay at "Cité Internationale des Arts" Paris

April 2000 - May 2001
I received the Paris Prize from Musashino Art University, my alma mater.
I spent a year researching and studying European church architecture, sculpture, and living environments while staying at a studio in the "Cité Internationale des Arts Paris in Paris", which is owned by the university.
Cité Internationale des Arts Paris

Annual visit destinations(PDF)
End of stay(PDF)

The report he submitted to his alma mater, which was the catalyst for his stay in Paris, contains a summary of the places he visited during the year (20 pages) and a PDF file of his thoughts on his stay (2 pages). *japanese

Local newspaper manuscript (Nayoro,Hokkaido)

Since 1998, I have been involved in town development with Shimokawa Town, Kamikawa District, Hokkaido, so I decided to have my story featured in a newspaper while I was in Paris.

Local newspaper manuscript(PDF)

The manuscripts published in the Nayoro Shimbun newspaper in Hokkaido once a month for nine issues from May 2000 are now available as PDF files (9 pages, 28k)*japanese